Blog Post #4: Post-Analysis Reflection and Resources

Blog post DUE Monday 10/5 – 4:30 pm

Now that you have finished your first major assignment for the course, a rhetorical analysis of a website, I want you to reflect on what resources you used as you wrote about the paper and what resources you would have liked to have had. Think of this as a bridge between the analysis and our next project, a web development grant. This blog post should allow you room to consider 1) what type of online resources are already out there for composition students, and 2) what types of resources there should be more of for comp. students.

Please write this post as a semi-formal piece of writing, with multiple paragraphs and some kind of internal organization. Remember that the questions I pose in the prompt are NOT to be answered one-by-one, but rather meant to be generative, to get you thinking about how to answer the prompt.

Questions to consider:

  1. What was hard and/or easy about completing your analysis? What types of feedback did you take into account as you worked on your final draft?
  2. What online or in-person resources did you use as you completed this writing assignment? How did you use them, and at what point in your process? Be specific and detailed.
  3. What online or in-person resources would have been helpful as you completed this assignment? How would you use these “dream” sources? Again, be specific and detailed.

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