Discussion Questions – for Tues. 9/15

Reading to be discussed: Dennis Baron, “From Pencils to Pixels”

  1. Baron claims that “writing itself is always first and foremost a technology?” How does he support this argument through the rest of the essay? What evidence does he use?
  2. Related to the above question: Do you believe writing is a technology? Why or why not?
  3. One of the points Baron makes throughout the essay is that literacy and writing technologies are often tied to economic advantages. He makes this most clear towards the end of the essay when he writes: “Literacy has always functioned to divide the haves from the have nots.” Do you agree with this? In what ways has technology made this more or less true?
  4. How have computers changed the way we write over time?
  5. Think about your own past experiences with literacy and with technology. in what ways have these experiences overlapped?
  6. This essay was originally published in 1999, which is 16 years ago? What has changed since then that might affect Baron’s argument?
  7. How do you see writing technology changing in the the next decade or two? In what ways do you foresee you will be writing over the course of your life?

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